Celebrity Dachshund Watch: Liv Ullmann

Oh, yes.  Liv Ullmann is a Norwegian actress and film director, as well as one of the "muses" of the Swedish director Ingmar Bergman. Nominated five times for a Best Actress Golden Globe, winning once for The Emigrants, Ullmann has also been nominated for the Palme d'Or, two times for the Academy Award, and two times for a BAFTA Film Award.  She is the inspiration for Steven Tyler's daughter's Liv's name, and oh yeah, she's a Dachshund Lover.  She recently talked with the Boston Globe about her pretty rescue Dachshund 'Chelsea':

Q: Have you always had pets?
A: Yes. Growing up, I had one fox terrier and one golden retriever.
Q: When and where did you adopt your dog?
A: We adopted her 2 years ago and we’re a little unsure of her age but we decided on 7. Sometimes I wish I was an animal because I've never ever seen such care of an animal in the world [by the MSPCA].
Q: What made you choose her?
A: [The MSPCA] knew that we had lost our dachshund some years ago and my husband [Boston developer Donald Saunders] didn’t want a new one but while I was away in Norway they did phone and said they had this incredible little dachshund and he should at least come and look at her.
Q: What happened to her before she came to live with you?
A: She had been with someone for five years and they just left a letter that she was born at a flea market. She was sick, of course. Her left leg was completely crooked. But then at (Angell Animal Medical Center), they did an operation on her... Now she has a perfect leg.
Q: What are three traits you love about Chelsea?
A: She loves to sit on the lap. She is so sweet. She is very people oriented.
Q: Why did you name her Chelsea?
A: She was called Chelsea to the people who delivered her. We didn't want to change that.

Read more of this Q&A at the Boston Globe.

All About All Texas Dachshund Rescue

All Texas Dachshund Rescue is a group of dedicated volunteers whose primary goal is to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home neglected, abandoned, disabled and otherwise endangered Dachshunds throughout the state of Texas.

Thank you to all of our wonderful Dachshund Rescue organizations.


CARM, known to us as Crazy Cat Lady Carm was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, an incurable but treatable blood cancer, in September of 2011. She underwent six months of chemotherap​y, with excellent results and on May 5, 2012, was admitted to Roswell Park Cancer Institute for a stem cell transplant. The last three weeks have not been easy ~ as we have read in the daily journal written with love,

2012 Annual Hawaii Wiener Derby

RUN WIENER DOGS, RUN!  Thanks so much to Sheree Revilla for writing in with wonderful photos from the 4th Annual Hawaii Wiener Derby, which took place on May 26th at Thomas Square Park in Honolulu, Hawaii!  If only we lived a little closer.  She writes:

Aloha Joey and Rowdy!

Just sharing a few pics from our Annual Hawaii Wiener Derby on Saturday May 26th, Memorial Day weekend. We are always of course the main attraction at the Hawaiian Humane Society Canine Game Day where doxies monopolize the park with their loud barks and attention getting sweetness. For goodness sake every year it gets bigger with over 150 island doxies participating this year. It was a blast but now we are exhausted. So happy Memorial Day to everyone and hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend….

All photos courtesy of Wag and Snap Modern Pet Photography by Steve Czerniak  (don't miss the main photo on his site); with the exception of the top action shot done by KAT WADE / Special to the Star-Advertiser, HonoluluPulse.com.

This fun video by MrBruce1 highlights the Hawaii Wiener Derby from previous years.

Our Dachshunds, Our Heroes

Meet our latest Dachshund Hero, 12-year-old red smooth 'Buster,' who hails from Grovetown, Georgia.  When his human, Lelia Boatright, went into insulin shock at 3 in the morning, Buster let the whole house know and saved her life!  Excerpt from the Columbia County News-Times:

“He started howling, that’s what woke me up,” said Les Boatright, of Grovetown. “The dog let us know that something was wrong.”
At about 3 a.m., Buster alerted Boatright that his wife, Lelia, was having a medical crisis. Lelia Boatright, who has been an insulin-dependent diabetic for more than 35 years, was in insulin shock.
Her blood sugar dropped so low that she lost consciousness and nearly died.
“The dog started causing a ruckus,” said Les Boatright, who sleeps in another room because of a ruptured disc in his back. “I went in there to check on what was wrong with the dog. That’s when I found her like that. I thought she was dead.”
He said the mattress was soaked in sweat, and his wife’s eyes had rolled back in her head. She had only a weak pulse and shallow breathing.
Lelia Boatright said she has a glucose monitoring system implanted under her skin that works with an insulin pump.
When her glucose monitor detects that her blood sugar is high or low, it sends a message to the pump, which signals Lelia Boatright. She then has to hit a button to dispense the medication that keeps her blood sugar from skyrocketing.
The last thing she remembers is having dinner and checking her blood sugar – and everything was fine.
She took what she believed was her typical insulin dose and went to bed.
“I just, somehow, hit the wrong button and gave myself 10 units (of insulin) instead of the one or two that I usually take to get (my blood sugar) down,” Lelia Boatright said. “It was the maximum amount my pump is set for.”
She said she woke up in the ambulance, dazed and confused, but was eventually able to answer the medical personnel’s questions. She never realized what went wrong until she was in the hospital and checked the history on her insulin pump.
If Buster hadn’t alerted Les Boatright, his wife likely would have died by morning.
The Boatrights actually gave Buster to their son, Joseph, on his 8th birthday. The now-20-year-old is finishing his first year away at college, so Buster has taken to sleeping with Lelia Boatright.
“God has a plan for everything,” she said. “And it just wasn’t my time yet.”

We're so proud of you Buster!  Read more of this story at the Columbia County News-Times.

Joey's Hardware

Click images to enlarge

We're always fascinated with the inner workings of a Dachshund, and have featured x-rays of Joey and our dear departed Maggie several times over the years.  We recently went to the vet to have a look at Joey's heart.  With all the medical conditions that he has, he also has had a heart murmur his entire life, and it has progressed to about a grade 3.  Heart murmurs are common in small dogs such as Dachshunds, and they worsen as the dogs get older, eventually leading to CHF, or congestive heart failure.  If Joey were to start showing signs of exercise intolerance or "coughing," it will be time to start him on some cardiac meds.  Thankfully, he's not showing any of these symptoms yet, but with the long-standing condition, it was prudent to have a look inside.
We were happy to find that things look pretty good.  You can see his heart in the above photo, center left, and it does not appear to be enlarged.  That's his lungs to the right of the heart, and there doesn't appear to be any fluid buildup, so that's positive as well. 
Our good veterinarian had a surprise and started laughing when he noticed all of Joey's "hardware."  If you look in the upper right, you can see all the surgical staples inside him from his previous bi-lateral adrenalectomy and spleenectomy.  Hopefully he won't have to go through any metal detectors any time soon!  You can see another staple in the belly-view photo below near one of his ribs.

The Heart of The Long and Short of it All

Glens Falls Wiener Walk!

Video by youtuber MrFightingFriday

Look at all the Dachshunds who showed up to honor veterans by marching in the Glens Falls-Queensbury Memorial Day parade on Monday!  It's the fourth year that Dachshunds have participated in the event, which took place in Glens Falls, New York.  See lots of photos at the Glens Falls Wiener Walk Facebook Page. 

'The Long and Short of it All' Turns Five Years Old

A Note From Rowdy and Joey

With little fanfare, yesterday we celebrated the 5th Anniversary of 'The Long and Short of it All.'  Dad forgot the party hats, but won this Dachshund sign in a raffle basket at last week's MWDR fundraiser, so he put it around Joey's head and said "Now it's a party!  Smile!"  Do we look amused?  Shouldn't Rowdy be wearing a lampshade?  We weren't impressed in the slightest until Dad broke out the fresh strawberry shortcake topped with whipped cream and blueberries.  Now THAT's a party! 
Every year Dad says that our anniversary is going to be the end of the blog.  It happened the first year, the second year, the third year, and so on, and when he kept going, he kept saying that five was the magic number - the fifth anniversary of the blog is going to be the very last post we will ever do.  Well, too bad he missed yesterday's deadline announcement because we're still here today and we're still blogging.  So stay tuned.
And so we wrap up Long and Short of it All post number 2,855.  Danke schön to all our loyal readers and commentors for sticking with us over the years - it's been a fun ride.  Thank you from the heart of our bottoms.

Yours in Dachshund Love,
Joey and Rowdy....


Memorial Day 2012: Historic Dachshund Fun

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty. ~ Dachshund Lover John F. Kennedy

We want to take a moment to thank all the men and women who serve and protect us, today and every day, past and present.  If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be sitting here blogging about Dachshunds, and complaining about the weather.  Thank you.
As long-time readers of The Long and Short of it All know, we take extra time and effort to post military-inspired Dachshund photos and stories on Memorial Day and Veterans Day.  Today we bring you these historic WW2 US Army Air Corps photos of a Dachshund mascot sitting on top of a P-51D Mustang with his pals.  Above, he enjoys the company of Lieutenant Hatfield.

It really is a photo op! Here's our red smooth boy with Captain Wicker

And finally, our hero really doesn't look so happy sitting up that high all alone without his buddies

Have a great Memorial Day.

If you are a new reader at The Long and Short of it All, you will definitely want to visit the archives for some absolutely amazing military-inspired Dachshund tales and images:

Dachshund Homecoming Video

Happy Memorial Day

Veterans Day and Dachshunds

Dachshunds in Pop Culture: Fritz and the "Jane" Cartoon Series

Dachshunds in History: The Saga of Sgt. Wally D. Hund

Dachshunds Reunited with their Dads in the News

Dachshunds and Veterans Day

Dachshunds Teleconferencing with their Dads in Iraq in the News

Dachshunds in History: Mimi, A Most Unpopular Dog During WW2

Memorial Day Dachshund: Meet Gus

Dachshund News Roundup! - story on Vietnam War Veteran Jim Quick and his dachshund

Dachshund News Roundup! - story on Iraq War Veteran Scott MacKenzie and his new rescue boy

Dachshunds in History: Hark! Hark! The Dogs Do Bark!

Dachshunds in History: Dogs of War



Two cats, in two windows.  Night has fallen.  Yet they both still want

to be on the porch, love being on the porch. 

And waiting for all the night creatures

to begin singing their songs,

rustling in the woods and coming out to scavenge for food.


You cannot imagine how excited I got to learn today's Photo Hunt theme was CREATIVE ...

a chance to dig through my photo files, and "show off" (blushing, now)

many of my very favorite Zoolatry Photo-Art "creative" efforts. 

I truly love working with photoshop to enhance or alter or create

new photo-art images ~ and am available to do photo-art for you, just

click on any of the

Dachshund Dearest

"If I can`t be me, I don`t want to be anybody. I was born that way."  ~Joan Crawford

1939 - JOAN CRAWFORD introduces her brand new dachshund, Stinkie, to this business of movie making between scenes of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's "The Women," in which she is starred with Norma Shearer and Rosalind Russell. The picture is brought to the screen by Hunt Stromberg, directed by [Dachshund Lover] George Cukor.

Dachshund Love Stories: Kaitlyn Gets Her Gretchen Back

When divorces happen, sometimes dogs are stolen and it takes a court order to get them back.  Kaitlyn got her Gretchen back.  By youtuber alextheberge.


We mostly MEOW.

And never do we WOO.

Though today, Frankie Furter..

it's Hip, Hip, Hooray for YOU!

Con~cat~ulations to The Mayor of Blogville!

CLICK HERE to send Frankie your own paws up!


Dachshund Trouble: Rampaging Sausage Dog Brutally Slaughters Four Chickens

Upset: Bernard Taylor, pictured with his wife Joan, was washing up the dishes after tea when he looked out of the kitchen window and saw 'absolute carnage' in his garden

Uh Oh.  Somebody was a bad dog.  Meet Bernard and Joan Taylor, who live in a cottage on the 1,000-acre Tangley Estate, near Andover, Hampshire, UK.  They were watching the four chickens for a friend when the horrific incident occurred.  Excerpt from The Daily Mail:

Somehow, Mr. Taylor says, a dachshund from ‘the big house’ next door got through the hedge and killed all four birds.
Mrs Taylor was left in tears. She said: ‘The hens had been laying beautifully – four a day. They were so friendly. They clucked all day long.’
After the attack last week, Mr Taylor said he ‘went out, picked up a stick and hit the bloomin’ dog. He ran off right through our boxleaf honeysuckle hedge towards the big house’.
The house in question is owned by multimillionaire property developer Harry Marriott, who bought the estate for £6million in 2004.
It was previously owned by Tory MP Michael Colvin, 67, who died with his wife Nichola when the manor house was destroyed by fire in 2000.
Mr Marriott, 50, and his wife Dinah, 48 – a close relative of former Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home – built a new mansion on the estate worth £4million.

Mr Taylor, who was Mr Colvin’s gardener, and his wife have lived on the estate as tenants for half a century. The Colvins built their bungalow, Gardener’s Cottage, for them in 1961 and it stands within the estate grounds, a few hundred yards from the main house where Mr and Mrs Marriott live.
They claim the chicken killer was Willow, a dachshund belonging to the Marriotts.
Following the incident, Mrs Haynes said the Marriotts have agreed to pay her £130 – the value of the four chickens as assessed by her.
Yesterday a representative of Mr and Mrs Marriott confirmed that they own a dachshund and said they have tried to deal with the incident responsibly and as quickly as possible, given that Mr Marriott was abroad at the time.
He said: ‘Apologies were immediately proffered to the Taylors following the incident.
‘An offer to pay for the four hens was promptly made as soon as the value had been ascertained with the owner of the hens, who does not live in Tangley, as the Taylors did not know the value of them.
‘A cheque for an agreed sum has been sent to the owner to compensate her. Apologies were also proffered to the owner of the hens.
‘It is understood that Mr Taylor, who had erected a temporary chicken run, had let the hens out to roam the garden. Mr Marriott has subsequently freely offered Mr and Mrs Taylor as much chicken wire as they might require to keep their chickens in.’

We're glad to hear that the Marriotts did the right thing.  Read the entire story at The Daily Mail.

THANKFUL THURSDAY, for Perfectly Parker

Parker, we are thankful to have known you ~ thankful to have shared

good times together with you and your family.  Farewell.


We think you'd enjoy reading a wonderful interview with Parker,

just click here please.


Great big furry paw hugs.  Tickling whisker kisses.

Tail swishes and a whole lot more ~ all wrapped up and tied with a bow.

Happy Birthday, dear M.L.

CLICK HERE to send your birthday wish to ML and the Giggleman Gang.

But before you do ~ CLICK HERE

to view the pawsome birthday video created by Katie and Glogirly.

Comments disabled today ~ we'd rather you leave your comment with


It won't be long now before school's out for the summer!

I'm already thinking about my "vacation reading"

and hope to go to the library soon.

What favorite books do you want to read this summer?


So, in case you're wondering why this is "funny", well, the ZH took my picture while I was snoozing, and she liked the way a little "pink pad" from my toesies showed up right in the middle.  So she moved the picture to her photoshop to crop it and do her other photo stuff like that.  But she forgets to save the original.  Oops!!  And then she gets interrupted and when she comes back to finish


I'll be thankful if the ZH thanks me for all my hard work.

A few extra temptations would be welcome ...


Authors Note: In this house, as in some other more well known houses,

bipartisanship is rarely, if ever, achieved.


Please, get this ridiculous straw hat off my head!  You know I do not like to

wear hats!  Why didn't  you put this stupid hat on Zoey?

Sorry, Maggy ~ the ZH is a bit furgetful these days, and besides Zoey

was hiding in the closet again ...

PS ~ we furgot today was Straw Hat Day, so we will post

The Art and Science of Sunpuddles, Part 2



Choosing the proper sunpuddle for your afternoon nap is a science.  Or purrhaps it is an art.  Science, or art ~ whichever you choose to call it, I wish to offer a few suggestions, all based on years of experimenting and experience.  Clockwise from top left: (1) The sun is round, copying that position with your furry body provides maximum exposure. (2) I am lucky to have a skylight and as high


No pancakes with syrup.

No eggs, jam and toast.

We're having something special,

about which I'll boast!

There's one milk moustache

on one sweet little boy.

And some wet kitty whiskers,

both ... such a joy!

Breakfast with a buddy,

it's the only way to go.

Especially when you're sharing

bowls of ZOEY-O's.


Zoey rocks 'n' Zoey rolls.

Originally posted April, 2009.


In-and-Out, Part One

In-and-Out, Part Two



In memory of a friend ~ Fin.

With prayers to Meg.

Housecat Confidential


Warning: Viewer discretion advised.  Images may be disturbing.


Most unusual of Maggy ~ she was in a "mood" allowing herself to bephotographed and almost seemed to be posing and enjoying it !!


Any chance you'll be out of there soon?I'd really enjoy a relaxing Sunday bath ...Guess I have to settle for a shower ...


Our little hot pepper says happy Cinco de Mayo!
Hola! See more of me over HERE ...


If Zoey were a plastic-cat ...~ ~ ~We have a special post today on our other blog, Zoolatry II, My Mind's Eye.Click Here.




Zoey does not need a clock, or a calendar to know that spring has sprung.She only needs turn her attention to any window screen ... And the rest of the story is ... one of these monsters, or a close family member (and these are not the little kids on the block, these are 6-7-inches long) got into the house and then into the master bathroom.  The ZH said she'd rather use our litter box than go in


A favorite photo, taken several years ago of my grandson, now age 6, enhanced and textured with photoshop.
P.S. ~ the ZH just created a new header for Jo's World.It is colorful, happy ~ and was tons of fun to work on forJo, Stella and Ali Z.  We especially LOVE his SOX!If you'd like to visit, justCLICK HERE.


When the grand-bean-boy was here visiting, one morning after breakfasthe and I drove down to the park to play.  He was a good kiddie, I was a good kittie.We both wore our helmets and seat belts.  [I admit I was a bit nervous about his driving, as he only has a learners permit.]


Or ~ if this were One Word Wednesday,what one word would you use to describe this photo of Zoey?


Maggy and I have something in common.We both like to sleep with one foot out from under cover.


Here's two Sunday sleepers with four closed-up peepers.


Zoey !  You look so surprised.

What are you looking at ?  Why are you surprised?


What are little boys made of ?  Sand 'n' snails and puppy dogs' tails.That's what little boys are made of.What are little girls made of ? Sugar 'n' spice and everything nice.That's what little girls are made of.What are grandchildren made of ? Love 'n' cuddles, drools 'n' giggles.Smiles 'n' memories.  Spoiling 'n' special moments.  Oh, and a whole lot more love.

Poppy Vic and the Zoolatry Human


Not long ago, we helped sugar-and-spice Cinnamon with her blog ... just like her name,Cinnamon is a real sweetie.  And her humans ... Linda and Jeff are purrty special, too!Mr Jeff (a/k/a The Tool Man) is a master woodworker, a craftsman ... and wewere so honored and pleased to be gifted with one of his amazing, handmade toys.The Fire Truck arrived a day before our grandson, JuneyBug came to


If you notice the tail trim, you can presume we go to the same salon.However, I think the beautician did a much better job ontheir highlights than she did on mine. 
DID YOU KNOW?Did you know that Zoey is often featured on another blog ... it's Poppy Vic's blog, CAT IN THE BAG.And today is a special day for them both ... it is their10,000th post!Yes, that's not a typo, it is Ten Thousand!Stop by


One fish, two fish.Red fish, blue fish.Furry fish, cat fish.Port Canaveral, Florida


JuneyBug + Dio = Puppy Love 


We asked if Lizzie could come home with us ...after all, she would be a wonderful playmate for Maggy and Zoey.We're not sure why, but the zookeepers said "no".